Discover Breeds & Customize Health Plans With A Genetic Health Analysis
Any pet parent with a mixed breed fur baby can tell you they’re usually curious to know exactly which breeds created their sweet pup. Scientific tests can scan a dog’s DNA to determine these breeds as precisely as possible.
Everything You Need To Know About Neutering Your Dog
Neutering (also known as castration) is the common term used to describe the surgical procedure during which both testicles are removed in order to sterilize (make infertile) a male dog, therefore stopping its ability to reproduce.
Learn About Canine Vaccines & Their Importance
A vaccine is a preparation of either killed or altered microorganisms that is administered into the body. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to learn how to fight the microorganism so that if the microorganism is encountered in the future, the dog will either not get sick or will have less severe illness.
Helping Our Senior Dogs Age Gracefully
Senior dogs make wonderful companions but often require more care than their younger counterparts.