Understanding & Treating Addison’s Disease
Addison’s disease is the common name for hypoadrenocorticism, caused by decreased hormone production from the outer part or cortex of the adrenal gland.
Learn About Heartworm Prevention & Treatment
Heartworm disease, or dirofilariasis, is a serious and potentially fatal disease. It is caused by a blood-borne parasite known as Dirofilaria immitis.
Flea & Tick Prevention Is Always Important
Flea and tick prevention consists of a variety of products used to control flea and/or tick infestations on your pet and to prevent infestations inside your home.
How To Calculate Your Pet’s Body Condition Score
Weight-conscious people are familiar with BMI (Body Mass Index) as a yardstick to identify ideal weight in humans. Pet owners are also focused on the weight of their pets. Luckily, there is a way to measure the body condition of our furry friends, too.
Training Your Pet To Travel
An increasing number of pet owners are taking their pets with them when they travel by car or airplane rather than leaving them behind.
How To Help Your Grieving Pet
Losing a pet is tough. It’s tough on every member of the family, including the other pets.
Understanding Grief After Loss & Learning How To Cope
The loss of a loved one is one of the greatest sorrows that can occur in life. When someone we love – such as a beloved pet – dies, the loss can cause intense grief and sorrow.
Surgery Helps Dogs With Torn CCL
One of the most common injuries to the knee of dogs is tearing of the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL). This ligament is similar to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in humans.
Learn About Canine Vaccines & Their Importance
A vaccine is a preparation of either killed or altered microorganisms that is administered into the body. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to learn how to fight the microorganism so that if the microorganism is encountered in the future, the dog will either not get sick or will have less severe illness.
Learn About Feline Vaccines & Their Importance
Recent advances in veterinary medical science have resulted in an increase in vaccines available for cats. Improvements are continuously being made in vaccine safety and effectiveness.