Recognizing & Treating UTIs In Dogs
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are fairly common in dogs.
Do Dogs Recognize Facial Expressions?
Close relationships are founded on good communication. Spoken communication is unique to each species; however, non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions and body language, are often shared.
These Household Items Are Poisonous/Toxic To Dogs
This article contains information on the following canine poisons/toxins: 1) chocolate, 2) grapes, raisins, and currants, 3) arsenic, 4) essential oils and liquid potpourri, 5) aspirin, and 6) acetaminophen.
Should You Share Personal Care Products With Your Pet?
We care for our pets, we share lots of things with them, but our personal care products should be safeguarded solely for our use.
Getting Your Puppy Started Off Right
Raising a puppy may take quite a bit of time and effort, but puppies also bring joy into the home. You can expect adjustments to your family’s routine.
Avoid These Summer Pet Toxins
Pets are inquisitive creatures who love to investigate their surroundings. Unfortunately, this trait can lead pets down the path of injury and illness.
Learn The Basics Of Puppy Training
Your new puppy is learning during every waking moment! Every interaction you have with your puppy from the first time you meet will be a form of training.
Learn About Canine Vaccines & Their Importance
A vaccine is a preparation of either killed or altered microorganisms that is administered into the body. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to learn how to fight the microorganism so that if the microorganism is encountered in the future, the dog will either not get sick or will have less severe illness.