Follow These Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pet
TRICK OR TREAT! Halloween is an annual event that most children, and lots of adults, look forward to enthusiastically, anticipating a day and evening filled with masks, candy, and all things spooky! But this holiday can be particularly scary for the furry children in your family.
Pet Selection: What To Consider When Choosing A Dog
Dogs can be amazing family members and greatly enrich our lives! Adding a dog to the family is also a serious commitment, and research before choosing a dog will help set the family and the dog up for success.
Are Your Dog’s Respiratory Symptoms Caused By Canine Influenza?
Canine influenza virus (CIV) is primarily the result of two influenza strains: H3N8 from an equine origin and H3N2 from an avian source. Both strains were previously known to infect species other than dogs but can now infect and spread among dogs.
Making The Difficult Decision Of Euthanasia For Your Beloved Pet
The longer the relationship, the stronger the bond. The stronger the bond, the more challenging it is to consider the end of a pet’s life, including the difficult decisions around euthanasia.
What Are Ear Mites?
The ear mite, Otodectes cynotis, is a surface mite that lives on cats, dogs, rabbits, and ferrets. It is usually found in the ear canal, but it can also live on the skin surface. Ear mites are highly contagious, and animals become infested by direct contact with another infested animal.
Learn About The Preventative Healthcare Guidelines For Dogs
Avoiding an illness is always better than treating it, and when it cannot be avoided, intervention is always more effective if started sooner rather than later. Since dogs age faster than humans, an annual veterinary exam with diagnostic testing is equivalent to a human visiting the doctor every four to five years.
What Is A Hot Spot & Why Do Pets Get Them?
Hot spots – also known as pyotraumatic dermatitis or acute moist dermatitis – are red, inflamed skin lesions that appear quickly, ooze, and may contain pus.
Discover Breeds & Customize Health Plans With A Genetic Health Analysis
Any pet parent with a mixed breed fur baby can tell you they’re usually curious to know exactly which breeds created their sweet pup. Scientific tests can scan a dog’s DNA to determine these breeds as precisely as possible.