Why Is Fecal Testing Important For Your Pet?
Routine fecal examinations are used to detect intestinal parasites in your pet.
Dental Cleanings Are Important For Your Pet’s Overall Health
When rough tartar accumulates on tooth surfaces and touches the gumline, it is time for a professional oral assessment, treatment, and prevention visit.
Addressing Fear & Anxiety In Cats & Dogs
Fear is an aversive emotional state with physiological, behavioral, and emotional reactions to stimuli which are perceived as an actual threat or danger. The pet’s responses are relative to the pet’s perception, even in the absence of a ‘true’ danger.
Foreign Body Ingestion Can Be Life-Threatening
Pets are curious by nature. They love to investigate new sights, smells, and tastes. Unfortunately, this curiosity can lead them into trouble.
Wellness Screenings Are Important For Pets Of All Ages
A wellness examination is a routine medical examination of a pet who appears healthy, as opposed to an examination of a pet who is ill. A wellness examination may also be called a ‘check-up’ or a ‘physical examination’. The focus of a wellness examination is the maintenance of optimal health.
Avoid Feeding Pets Holiday Food
With the holiday season comes a delightful variety of festive drinks, baked goods, chocolate confections, and other rich, fattening foods. However, it is not wise, and in some cases, can be quite dangerous, to share these treats with your pets.
Helping Our Senior Dogs Age Gracefully
Senior dogs make wonderful companions but often require more care than their younger counterparts.